Refractometer / Brix meter Options

Refractometer / Brix meter Options

Data Acquisition Software [SOFT-CAP]

softcap Measurement results of KEM instrument are directly downloaded to your personal computer for further data processing

Multiple Sample Changer [CHD-502N]

chd502n 30 samples can be loaded for continuous measurements.
Pressurized sampling by pump.
Room temperature only.

Auto Clean and Sampling Unit [DCU-551N]

dcu551n Automatic sample delivery and cleaning for the measurement of single sample at room temperature.
Sample vial: 20mL.

Compatibility of Main units and Options

RA-410 RA-130 BX-1
CHD-502N × × ×
DCU-551N × × ×
Connectable and can work with
× Not connectable nor used with